To run the Updater, open the LCOS Update folder, and double click on lcos_updater.jar.

To run the Updater from a command line, navigate to the LCOS Update folder and type the following:
java -jar "lcos_updater.jar"
When you run the Updater for the first time, the app will set up the user directory and data files, and will automatically download the latest LCOS firmware. It will then wait for you to connect a node.
The Application Tabs #
On the Home tab you’ll find messages, application status information, and USB connection management tools. If a node is connected by USB when the app starts, the app will automatically attempt to connect. Otherwise, the app will wait for you to attach a node, as shown above. Since this is the first time the app has run, it will suggest that you to attach your MASTER Node.
Click on the Current Firmware tab to view information about the available firmware.
The firmware list shows available firmware, sorted by device model. In some cases, there may be multiple firmware variants available for a particular device model. Here, two variants are available for the DNIO1C Client Node: a Standard Client and a Scene Client. See Firmware Variants for more information.
Click the My Device List tab. For now, the panel will be empty.
Connect a Node #
Connect a Lew’s Duino Gear LCOS Node to your computer by USB. On the Home tab, click Port Scan to locate the Node. If a Node is found, the USB Port drop down will show the port where a device was found, and will enable the Connect button. All active ports found will be listed in the USB Port drop down. Select the port your device is connected to if different from the first port in the list.
Click Connect. The app will attempt to open the connection and download data from the device. The Home tab will be updated with the data collected.
Basic information about the Node is shown on the panel. To attach a different Node, click Disconnect, switch the USB to the new Node, then click Connect.
Click on the My Device List tab.
My Device List now has a single entry for the device you just connected. This is the first item on your personal inventory of LCOS devices. Every time you attach a new device, your inventory will be updated automatically. The green background on the line signifies that this item is the current connected device. The Action column tells you whether updated firmware is available for this device.
Update Device Firmware #
Click on the device in the device list to select it.
The Update Device Firmware button will become active. Click on the button; the Load Firmware dialog will appear on top of the app window.
If more than one variant is available for the device model, you can choose which variant to install from the drop down list. See Firmware Variants for more information.
Next click Start. The progress bar will advance until the firmware upload is complete and verified. Any errors encountered will be displayed on the information line below the progress bar.
Updating Configured Devices #
When you update a device that has been configured and is in active use on your layout, it is strongly recommended that you backup your device data first using the Configurator backup utility. Although any update that changes data mapping will attempt to adjust your data storage, error conditions are possible. Using the Configurator backup and restore utilities are the only way to guarantee data restoration if a problem arises after a firmware change.