Scene Objects are a construct unique to LCOS. Scene Objects are groups of ports, relays and objects that can be activated or deactivated together. Additionally, there are several effects options for how a Scene Object activates and deactivates its components.
A scene object can include up to 8 ports or objects. Objects can be relays or other Scene Objects. A Scene Object, to be includible in another Scene Object, must be composed only of ports or relays. Accordingly, a single Scene Object, composed of 8 includible SOs, can control up to 64 ports and/or relays.
Scene Objects are available only on CLIENT nodes running the Scene Client firmware variant.
The Scene Object Tool #
To invoke the Scene Object Tool, navigate to a CLIENT and in the main window click .

The Object Action option determines how the component elements are handled. The most basic action, group switch, simply turns elements on or off simultaneously. Other options include a delay factor for timing purposes. See Object Actions below.
Click to create a new Scene Object and load the object into the editor .

For each element you are using, select the element type — port, relay or object — and, if elements of that type are available, select the item you want to use.
Object Action #
After selecting elements, select an action from the Object Action drop-down list. The options are:
- Group Switch
- Sequential Switch
- Random Switch
- Group Flash
- Odd/Even Flash
Group Switch turns all elements on or off at the same time. This makes switching a mixed group of different objects easy. No other options apply.
Sequential Switch turns elements on or off one at a time, in element order. The delay factor determines how fast the elements come on or off. Can by modified by Loop Until Stop and Reverse Off options.
Random Switch turns elements on one at a time, in random order with random additional delays. The delay factor determines the maximum speed by which the elements come on or off. The randomization algorithm introduces additional delays, most noticeably at the end of the sequence. This effect, when used with the Fast Clock, is ideal replicating how streetlights, building lights, and even automobile lights, come on at dusk and off at dawn. Can by modified by the Loop Until Stop option.
Group Flash behaves like a Group Switch except that it flashes the group at the rate set by the delay factor.
Odd/Even Flash alternately flashes the odd (1, 3, 5, 7) and even (0, 2, 4, 6) elements to the extent defined, with the delay determining flash rate.
Loop Until Stop checkbox — causes the object to continuously cycle through on and off sequences. Available with Sequential Switch and Random Switch only.
Reverse Off checkbox — applicable to Sequential Switch only, this option causes the off cycle to be the reverse order of the on cycle.
Tag #
Coming Soon: The ability to add short descriptive text to objects viewed in the Configurator. Currently, this field is an inactive placeholder.
Activation / Deactivation #
Use Control Objects to activate or deactivate Scene Objects. Scene Objects are used directly by Day Zones and Time Triggers.