You have multiple options for how to control your LCOS layout. LCOS can support
- physical control panels, using buttons, switches and LED indicators;
- virtual controls;
- A DCC interface;
- CTC control;
- and custom interfaces.
Physical Control Panels #
The LCOS MASTER node supports a physical control panel that can control an entire layout. CLIENT nodes can support small, local panels that you might place at specific scenes.
See Control Panels
Virtual Controls #
LCOS supports virtual controls that can be trigger by other events or processes. A virtual control can respond to Fast Clock time, block occupancy and command events originating from other nodes.
See Control Objects
DCC Interface #
To connect the LCOS network to DCC, get the DNDCC Client. The DNDCC client connects to your DCC rail bus and responds to DCC turnout commands. You can define a block of DCC addresses anywhere in the extended accessory address range, and assign any address in the block to any turnout on your layout.
The DNDCC Client helps integrate your LCOS equipment with legacy stationary decoders.
See DCC Gateway
CTC Control #
A CTC (Centralized Traffic Control) system can monitor and override layout object functions, giving the dispatcher complete traffic control. A physical control panel can be configured to act as a CTC panel with the ability to override automatic functions.
An external or add-on CTC control station can be a Node on the LCOS network and communicate with all objects. Contact us to obtain the LCOS Integration Kit to assist you in connecting to and communicating with LCOS.
The DNDCC Client Node includes an experimental Serial Gateway for communicating with the layout in gateway mode.
See DCC Gateway
Control Objects #
The LCOS Control Object is used to bind physical and logical controls to layout actions. When bound to a physical input port, the Control Object triggers any layout action you choose in response to button presses, switch changes or a digital sensor. When a Control Object is bound to the virtual input port, other layout objects can activate it based on rules and conditions.
See Control Objects.
JRMI can interact with LCOS through DCC turnout commands (with the DNDCC interface client installed). The DCC interface is rail connected and read-only, so feedback to JRMI is not possible. In this mode, the layout looks to JRMI like a multi-address, non-programmable stationary decoder.
An experimental Serial Gateway is available on the DNDCC to give JRMI or other external system access to the LCOS message stream and bidirectional communication. A JRMI connector may be developed in the future to allow more robust integration.
To a large degree, LCOS provides functionality that traditionally has only been available via JRMI. For example, the LCOS turnouts and signals are self-contained and need no external support in order to function.
On the other hand, both signals and turnouts can be commanded externally and can lock out internal automation if desired. That allows for CTC style operations.